A shared diary of the team behind Disjoined!

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8/31/24: entry #8

I'm so unbelievable busy right now, and Disjoined has sort of seeped into the "I do this when I have a break from other things" category of work.
That being said, I'm still doing it! I drew this bad boy up today.
(Don't worry, I'm also doing other work.)

Also sidenote, Yume Nikki was a W game. Highly recommend.

- nizwiz

8/24/24: entry #7

happy national waffle day, everybody!

i'm currently showing eden Gravity Falls, since she hasn't seen it somehow.
it's so goated. gravity falls was the first obsession i ever had and it was definitely a good one
wax stan
we just finished Headhunters. we're about to watch The Hand That Rocks the Mabel

let's goooo

- nizwiz

8/19/24: entry #6

guys what if the moon sang a song for me. What if i loved you like the sun and bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own.

... in other, totally unrelated news, "the moon will sing" by the crane wives is a really good song. for the past month or so i've just been rotating the crane wives discography in my head; not a single song of theirs misses.

this is not particularly related to disjoined, however it has been my soundtrack while i draw for the game. there's something about their composition, vocals, and lyrics that really scratch my brain. honestly, some of their songs remind me of myself in ways and have been great for a cry but also for pushing myself to be better and accepting that things aren't always okay. sometimes things are worse; sometimes you get worse. sometimes you never got better at all. but acknowledging that and being okay with it is a necessary step to recover.

on a lighter note, the crane wives also get bonus points for all their songs being super fun to sing! messing around with different technique and vocal inflections while i sing has been a good learning experience.

my favorite crane wives song is without a doubt "new discovery." it's not as catchy or energetic or loopable as other songs but it's just so good??? like maybe i just want to believe there's something left for me. maybe even a new discovery waiting for me. Oguh. can you tell that coyote stories is my favorite album of theirs?

that's a bit introspective for my first blog post here but if you don't like it cry about it :3 very excited to be emotionally attacked by upcoming album beyond beyond beyond.

- eden (btw hi nice meeting you)

8/18/24: entry #5

i just made a new website. it felt really wrong straying from neocities
i did it because Google SEO won't really recognize a free neocities page, and it is less professional too

i bought the domain "" yesterday but in preparation for it to arrive(because obviously a digital domain name will take a week to arrive), i set up and programmed the entire website today. it was surreal going for a "professional" look instead of a "batshit crazy" look

i mean, it's literally a one-page site. it's just a place where you can get some images and a gist of the game and then go join the mailing list.

this used to be a really fun site and i feel like i'm actually like physically moving homes by moving the site to an actual one

as of right now, you can view the new site at
the domain will soon become

- nizwiz

4/21/24: entry #4

how do you write characters? how do you make someone care about a character?
can i be totally real? i didn't like Big Hero 6.
i connected with almost none of the characters, not even hiro.
and to be honest, i don't really know why. i feel like all of the characters, apart from the villain, were all hitting the major character beats that everyone does.
but for some reason, it just never hit. i was never really invested.

as opposed to a movie like Fantastic Mr. Fox, where the characters are easily the most engaging part of the movie.
the book version by Roald Dahl is a really fun book, but if i'm being honest, i liked the movie more because of the characters.
i don't remember caring about the foxes and their love and toxic relationships nearly as much as in the movie.

i just want them all to be happy.
i think beyond the funny jokes and all the happiness that's shared in both of these movies, there's one key thing in Fantastic Mr. Fox which makes me want to care for the foxes way more:
the foxes are just as flawed as I am.
they're just as sad and lonely and mean-spirited as real humans are.

basically i have to be an emo ao3 writer for disjoined now. that's basically the gist of this whole thing.

- nizwiz

4/9/24: entry #3

i used to be worried about music theory and how it would affect my composition style, but then when i finally took the leap and started learning music theory, my compositions got so much more creative.
i was writing music on piano based on the only way to write that i truly knew: write a simple melody, and write some chords underlining the main melody. nothing more than that.
when i started learning music theory, I was worried it would make everything more constricted and less creative.
but ironically, it freed my chords from the little box that i had created.
i think with music, there's so much involved in composing something that our brains naturally want to create the smallest and most restricted songs ever.
it's the same for art. i was making top-notch drawings of stick figures when i was 4, but after taking like 2 years of art, i was now making drawings of Shrek!
art class didn't halt my creativity. it let me unleash what i truly wanted to draw onto the world: Shrek.

- nizwiz

4/6/24: entry #2

hey y'all! just wanted to update you on the shops.
like i expected, i didn't make the whole shop system. it's just way too much to do in one day.
BUUUUT i did the ui for buying stuff, and i made some placeholder items that you can buy!
it's pretty crude but honestly i think it'll do the trick. holy guacamole it's john egbert in disjoined
the rest of today will not be very productive in terms of disjoined, unfortunately.
i'm going out with some friends on this beautiful saturday morning, and then i'm gonna do some schoolwork that i have been putting off for a bit.
i'll work on the actual functionality of the shops and the actual "currency" system on sunday, but that's all i wanted to share for today!
till next time!

- nizwiz

4/5/24: entry #1

i love springtime. it's finally here and i genuinely feel so alive. for the first time ever, i wake up wanting to do things, and wanting to take care of myself.
admittedly, i haven't done too much DISJOINED work over the past week. but in the time that normally i'd be crunching away at my desk programming, i'm now exercising and going for walks, so I think it's a good change.

that being said, i do plan to do a lot of work today on the game.

i've been holding off on doing this task for a while, because it's kind of a behemoth, but it's time.
today, i'm gonna ATTEMPT to make all shops fully functioning. this also includes things that aren't even shops, like nurseries.
i don't even know what i'm gonna do about nurseries LMAO
it also looks really nice out today, so i wanna go for a walk; however, there WAAAS a teensy little earthquake here, so i don't know if going out is really a good idea right now.
but yeah, spring is by FAR the best season. unless you're allergic to pollen in which case ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that sucks
i will update y'all tomorrow with how much of the shop stuff i ended up doing! bye bye!

- nizwiz

My best friend Fred Disjoined and his son