The Disjoined Team

Disjoined is currently being created by four people:

the gang

nizwiz is the creator and project director of Disjoined.
He leads the force on all aspects of the game, as well as being the only programmmer.

eden is the lead artist of Disjoined. She does a lot of concept art, character design, and pixel art.
She is very talented and puts tons of passion and love into all of her projects.

egg helps compose music along with making the more... strange art in Disjoined.
He is an incredible artist and will be helping tremendously.

ellumi is the social media manager. She’s very funny and puts pretty much all the personality into our social media.
She is also chronically online.

All four members of the team are currently looking into methods of fusing together into one collective Supreme Being.
Until then, the game is in good hands.